Hello All,
We hope you and your family are doing well and keeping safe! As a club, we want to support our students and their families, many of whom are personally affected by the racism and injustice that has been rampant in our country. We have made worksheets, available in both Spanish and French, to introduce Black Lives Matter vocabulary in a child-friendly manner, and we hope that they will be used to encourage discussion about relevant topics as students practice their Spanish or French. We also have links below of Mira and Mark, two of our teachers, reading through the vocabulary words in Spanish and French, respectively.
In addition to the worksheets, below we have included some community resources in Baltimore for things such as mental health, businesses, and general COVID-19 issues, as this pandemic has made many aspects of our lives harder.

Pronunciation Guides:
Spanish Vocabulary Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q4XkNNVgiWaQYIz4KUng78ND49i6F6Vw/view?usp=sharing
French Vocabulary Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qk2VQMtD5R7Ogn6vcFpTdo2pZWjxyT36/view?usp=sharing
Community Resources:
More BLM info for kids: https://kids.kiddle.co/Black_Lives_Matter
Mental Health: http://namibaltimore.org/learn-more/community-resources/
Food: https://coronavirus.baltimorecity.gov/food-distribution-sites
Business and Workers: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/economicdev/covid19-assistance/index.html
Parents: http://www.gbul.org/parent-resources.html
General COVID-19: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/News/covidresourceguide.html
Best, Sharing Languages Team
French Worksheets + Answers:

Spanish Worksheets + Answers:
